Friday, January 22, 2016

2 weeks in

I broke my rules from last week.  I was weighing myself daily and it happened again.  On Thursday morning the scale said I'd lost 2 lbs.  This morning, it said I'd lost .6 lbs.  THAT SUCKS!!!

This week I added in working out.  I've been doing crunched and squats and planks and inverted push ups and push ups and zumba and...  Last night was arm night and they were noodles when I was done.  I'm getting stronger tho, even if it's only in my own mind so far!

Tonight I need to go walking.  It's on my challenge schedule.  I don't know where I want to go walking at.  It's only going to be 21 out today so I think walking in a mall is in order but which mall?
See, this is a dilemma because if I go home for supper first I won't go out again.  I'm like that.  Mostly.  Well I can force myself out again but once I'm home I want the bra off and the sweats on and I don't want to leave again.  So this walking thing will delay supper.  I was thinking MOA would be good because it's huge and I can powerwalk thru that without doing repeats.  BUT it's also far, far away from my house so it would delay supper substantially.  I should suck it up and do it anyway.

Or I could go to Northtown (close to home) and powerwalk there, 3 times around, and boring but I could get supper faster.  Or Rosedale which is not as far as MOA but not as close as Northtown and slightly less boring that Northtown...

I should suck it up and do MOA.  I should.

Friday, January 15, 2016

1 week in!

Yeah, I'm starting the diet thing again.  My goal is to lose 30 lbs by mid-June, when I walk my daughter down the aisle at her wedding.  I lost 3 pounds during my first week!  I'm doing the Weight Watchers diet since that worked for me last time.

Here are a few thoughts after this first week:

*  I'm only going to step on the scale on weigh in days.  This past week I stepped on the scale and at times it showed I'd lost 4 lbs so by the time I got to my official weigh in, I found myself bummed with the progress of 3 lbs.  In reality it probably means I had a good bowel movement back on that 4 lb day so I should just get over it.  Or start taking a lot of fiber laxatives.  That could get ugly.

* Donuts aren't worth it!  The first day I had a Friday office donut (tradition) and ended up with only 9 points left by supper time.  I had an uncomfortable first day.  This week ALL of my days have been somewhat uncomfortable (when will my tummy adjust?) so adding to it was a BAD IDEA.

*  Fear of looking bad in wedding pictures, so far, is a better motivator for weight loss than my health is.  I'm rather disappointed in myself about that.

The next phase is to add in exercise.  I suspect my body is starting to figure out what I'm doing and will slow my metabolism to fight the impending weight loss so I'll need to make another shift to fight back.

I believe my body does this!  It does NOT like letting go of weight that it has gained!  It's just trying to protect itself but the thing is, if only it would trust me, it would understand that I'm not going to starve it (despite the fact that I ate breakfast a bit ago and my tummy still feels really hungry), I'm trying to make it healthier!

So starting tomorrow, it's time to begin the 28 day fitness challenge!  So here's to hoping I don't strain anything or throw my back out!

Let week 2 begin!!