Thursday, February 26, 2015

Day 4

It's 9 AM and I'm suffering.  I'm soooo hungry!!

It's a real mental battle to not eat right now.  I'm making steady progress with weight loss.  I've lost 3.2 lbs since I started Monday.  That's really fast but since at first it's supposed to be water weight I'm not sure if I should be concerned.

Maybe I should go chug a glass of water to fill up?

I've been reading about 1,200 calorie diets.  Last night I decided to change my upper limit to 1,250 to guarantee that I eat more than 1,200 calories per day.  Going under that is not healthy from what I've read.  Or not recommended.  The past few days (except yesterday) I ate less than 1,200.  Yesterday I ate 1,237.  Better.

I'm seriously considering the Seattle Sutton meal plans.  Thing is it's really too expensive and Lacey has taken over my freezer so if it's frozen food I won't have any place to put it all.  I may have to insist that she take some food back home and start bringing daily lunches instead of stocking my freezer with lunches for Penelope.

Doing it for just one week might help?  I'm tired of being hungry!

Thing is, if I can just stick to this my stomach will shrink and feel satisfied with less.  It's not a comfortable thing getting to that point.  I've done it before and didn't like it then either.  But it can be done!

I will splurge now and then.  Like tomorrow is donut day.  Every Friday is donut day at work.  I'm going to have my donut and I'm not going to track it.  I'll make sure the rest of the day is in the 1,250 realm and have the donut as an extra.  One donut will not derail my diet and it'll be nice to not be hungry tomorrow AM. 

I just have to hang on until then! 

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